Let's talk about who we help....
Bhridge helps employers with staffing needs. We offer recruiting services to pair Bhridge participants with job openings in the community. We provide customized soft skill training to ensure participants are ready to work on the first day. Bhridge understands that employee retention can be a concern for any business. We will work with businesses to create incentives to keep Bhridge participants committed and on the job. How does it work? There is an initial fee for retention of services. If the candidate quits before the end of the contract, the employer will be reimbursed a prorated amount. Bhridge mentors candidates throughout the contract using our proven retention curriculum.
Bhridge is a supplemental career intervention program. We work with high schools and trade schools to pair graduating students with job openings in the community. Bhridge provides mentorship and career counseling to our participants. We customize soft skills training to complement the hard skills training that participants receive in their specific course of study. Bhridge also works with teachers to identify students struggling with motivation and/or soft skill development. Bhridge supports educators and students in their career placement efforts, helping to bridge any gaps between education and employment.
Bhridge helps young adults identify and develop their personal strengths. We build a strong and long-lasting relationship with participants through mentorship, consistency, and understanding, while they develop hard-skills required to become part of the work-force. We help young adults envision a future of success, in a field they can be excited about. Many young adults are uncertain of their career paths after graduation. Bhridge provides guidance. We help establish goals, and the steps needed to achieve them. Participants must want to engage, but it is our job to show them why it is important. We teach them personal economic growth through financial literacy and how to implement it in their communities. When they are ready to be placed in a job, Bhridge becomes their advocate. We negotiate pay, benefits, tuition reimbursement, etc... Graduates become part of the Bhridge network and can receive ongoing employment counselling. Participants do not pay anything to be part of the Bhridge program, but must spend a week following a strict and personalized schedule to be accepted into the program. Bhridge's mentorship is customized to each participant's goals. If a candidate fails to keep to their customized schedule, or is denied for any reason, Bhridge provides a mentor to identify barriers to success and find solutions to overcome those barriers. They can rejoin the program six weeks from their original enrollment date. There is no limit to enrollment, only a six week waiting period. The Bhridge goal is student success. We Bhridge the gap between the individual and the community through mentorship, consistency, and our unique brand of tough love.